28 responses to “troymo

  1. Good day,
    Thank you very much for following The Inspired Verse. My objective is to challenge people’s faith and encourage and inspire the soul. Be well.
    – Michael

  2. I love your background pic! Thank you for stopping by to read and follow my blog. I look forward to reading yours also. Lord bless!

  3. Thanks for the follow. Great site. In your searching have you ever considered Lutheran Theology such as expressed in the Book of Concord? You might find Issues, Etc. interesting @ http://issuesetc.org Best wishes.

  4. Your blog is very interesting and well written, my admiration for your work! Thank you for following my blog, i’m honored and it means very much to me. I’m looking forward to read more of your meaningful posts.
    Best wishes,

  5. Thank you for following “A Way With Words.” I find great joy in writing and my joy is made more complete when people read what I’ve written. While I write primarily about faith & mental illness, I am always looking for new topics to address. If you have anything you’d like to see, please let me know.

    Keep up the faithful blogging,
    Tony Roberts

  6. I love how you provoke your readers to think more thoroughly about the subjects of your postings, and how you provide links to so many diverse points of view, even when they are not especially supportive of your own. You are a courageous and interesting blogger, and that you thought to spend some time reading on my blog both reassures me and makes me a bit nervous. I strive always to provide interesting content that is accessible and well thought out, but spending time here today gave me the sense that I surely wouldn’t want you to take exception to anything I wrote.

    I admire your tenacity and determined forthrightness in pursuing your subjects.

    Thanks for your attention to my writing…and for your follow. It feels like a great compliment…..John H.


    • I try my best to absorb multiple viewpoints on subjects I write about, and use links to support my conclusions. I enjoy your perspective as well. Thank you for sharing.

  7. You have some very interesting articles, though I only read a select few. You have the mind (it seems by your writing) that causes people to think and to question and that is not a bad thing at all. I will definitely be back and I want to thank YOU for checking out my new blog, though it is unfinished! God bless you in your endeavor to make us broaden our thinking!

  8. Thanks for following my blog theinvictussoul.wordpress.com I only just began! You’re really good, I loved your articles and truly #respect you for the amount of research you’ve done. It’s amazing. I look forward to reading your other articles.

  9. Hello! I hope this finds you doing well.

    I see you have been a follower of “A Way With Words.” Great! Thank you.

    We have now transformed into, “Delight in Disorder: Faith & Mental Illness” (delightindisorder.org). I hope you will join us there. On the left sidebar, there is a box (below “Get More Delight”) for subscriptions so you can get the most of our mission.

    Take care & God bless,

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